Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to navigate the digital marketing world when you sell weapons???

As a digital marketer we all face challenges but as a digital marketer for a company that caters to the military and weapons market I am faced with daily issues on how to authentically market my brand in the digital word, while saying compliant with increasing regulations and limitations regarding the sale or promotion of weapons or weapon related items.

Just recently my brands account was suspended not because we sell guns but simply because my landing page featured a solider carrying a gun. A little know fact that I was not aware of.

Hear is what I've learned

- The term tactical is ok, ONLY if it refers to clothing and gear but not a tactical knife or tactical gun
- Guns yes of course are limited. But also all gun accessories including holsters
- Images of guns or weapons
- Sling Shots - yes even sling shots
-Air Soft Guns and accessories

Now let me say this - I understand Google is company a company for profit,  they have the right to protect their company as they see fit. It is just as much their right to refuse these types of advertisements, as it is for me to sell them. (P.S I say this as write on a free platform google). It just seems these types of restrictions - take it too far. To state my Airsoft helmet or image of a gun is as dangerous and should be restricted like the sale of porn and drugs or an actual weapons - is just too much.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Social Media Privacy

Yet again those silly Facebook messages are popping up in our newsfeed about privacy. As a so-called social media professional - this stupidity drives me nuts!

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are FREE services we willingly opt into. No one forces you to signup for Facebook and post pictures. There is a detailed privacy document that everyone has access to.

Facebook is not your doctor or therapist (as much as people think it is), there is no hippocratic oath they must abide by and copy & pasting a statement from a friend will not protect your privacy. If you don't want people to see it or use your information - then don't post it.

Monday, January 5, 2015

My Resolve To Blog!

Once again - it's top on list of New Year's Resolutions...
Blog More!